Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Family "S" | Otterville Family Photographer

To say this family is stunning is an understatement.  Each of these girls are so beautiful and the parents were so great to spend time with as well :) Oh, and be warned its alot of pictures ;)

I had so much fun photographing you all!  Thanks for choosing me to be your photographer. 


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Baby B | Otterville Baby Photographer

I have been eagerly waiting to finally get this blog post in.  The little baby girl was the snuggliest sleepiest baby I have had to date.  She was happy and content for me to do as I wished with her and these pictures totally show it.  Enjoy this bit of baby girl cuteness!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Family "V" | Ancaster Family Photographer

I always love being able to take pictures for my family.  There is just something special about being the one who is able to capture their family as they are!  It was really fun to go to a new location (that was amazing) and not to far from my sisters at all!  I would love to go back there again just to shoot some more!

Friday, 14 October 2011


A friend of mine sews some of the greatest little baby and toddler slippers ever!  Natalya and Seth have the little shoopers and Myrah has the Toasties and she loves them!!  Shaunna asked if I would be willing to take some pictures for her Etsy shop  http://www.etsy.com/shop/momsblankies?ref=pr_shop and I jumped at the opportunity!  These things are so cute I show them off to everyone who comes around!  And she has so many different options for fabrics and shoe styles!  Check her out, you will probably find something you love for your kids!


Monday, 3 October 2011

Baby Boy "B"

This little guy was so refreshing to take pictures of.  It had been forever since I had a good sleeping baby.  And boy did he sleep!  I had such a great time with him doing what I wanted while he happily snoozed on! 

Monday, 26 September 2011

Family "V"

To say I was excited for this shoot was an understatement.  Everyone knows this little boy as the happiest little thing around :) And was he ever great!  I had such a great time with you guys. Enjoy your pictures!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Baby Boy "P"

I have been surrounded by baby boys lately and I love it!  For a while it was all girls and now its all boys.  He was another determined little guy but once he was sleeping he was sleeping for good!  I loved meeting him and hope you like your pictures D, here are a few of my favorites.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Sweet Baby "H"

This little boy was just the sweetest little guy, and even though he was determined not to sleep we still got some great shots of him.  He was happy to just check out everything around him rather than close his eyes.  And honestly, I am just as happy this way! I always like to get both awake and sleeping pictures because as a mommy myself I know how exciting and special it is to see those little baby's eyes that you have dreamed of gazing at for so long!