Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Baby Girl "D" I Otterville Baby Photographer

There is nothing better than being able to snuggle a teeny tiny newborn baby for a morning while I get to take her pictures.  This little one was no exception.  And her sister?  Well she was adorable too!  I had so much fun taking pictures for you "J", and your little girls are going to grow up to be the best of friends :)  I can tell already!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Baby "P" is six months old

This is another little guy that I love to photograph.  I was spoiled enough to be chosen to take pictures of his sister when she was a nnewborn up until one year old and now its his turn.  I love to see the families grow up and change :)  Here are a few of my favorites.

He is going to be a pro swimmer.  Every time we put him on his tummy he had to get his arms out and "swim!"

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Baby "H" is six months old I Norwich Baby Photographer

This little guy (well big actually...) was such a joy!  Is he not the cutest thing?  I can't believe how much he grew and changed in six short months!